Camping with Wild Horses

our story

September 1998

I embarked on a camping trip in the breathtaking Sierra Nevada Mountains. One of the highlights of this adventure was the opportunity to witness the beauty of wild horses up close. Little did I know that this encounter would lead me to two remarkable women deeply involved in animal rescue.

These women were passionate advocates for the protection of animals, and through conversations with them, I discovered something truly profound. They explained that the most influential agents of change in safeguarding animals were individuals like myself. People who do not have all the time or direct exposure to these animals but possess a genuine heart for their well-being. The majority that as a group created a larger voice for change. They emphasized that through their small choices, growing awareness and donations they could fuel the critical work that needed to be done. Bringing attention to horses in need.

This resonated deeply within me. It helped me realize that I had power to contribute to the protection and preservation of these magnificent creatures, despite any limitations in time or resources. It was a reminder of my own accountability, urging me to make a difference in whatever way I could.

The encounter with these two passionate women in the Sierra Nevada Mountains transformed my perspective. They planted a seed of understanding. Their words reminded me that even my smallest efforts can create a ripple effect, leading to significant transformations in the lives of these animals.