Moving Towards the Light

our story

October 2019

I found myself at a crossroads, searching for meaning and joy in the aftermath of the fire that had uprooted my life. It was during this challenging time that my memories of horses and the empowering feeling they had brought me resurfaced. Determined to find solace and purpose, I reached out to a local horse riding operation in Malibu.

Talley, the owner of the Comomara Ranch and a herd of 12 horses, had also been affected by the fire and was just reopening her operation. I was fortunate enough to be one of her first client since the devastating event. From the moment I arrived, I immersed myself in the presence of the herd and spent every possible moment with them.

Whether it was cleaning, riding, washing horses, or simply sitting in the pasture, I did my best to become a part of the herd. Talley, with her wealth of experience working with over a hundred horses and her learnings from her time  Caroline Resnick, shared not only her knowledge but also life lessons she had gained along the way.

Beyond the traditional techniques of horse riding, Talley introduced me to a deeper understanding of the relationship between ourselves and these magnificent creatures. She showed me how this connection could extend beyond the equestrian world and impact our understanding of how we live our lives.

Talley also opened my eyes to the transformative power of equine therapy. Witnessing the profound impact horses had on individuals in recovery and those with mental disabilities was truly inspiring. It was through these experiences that I began to grasp the true depth of the human-animal bond and the potential it held for healing and growth.

In spending time with Talley and her herd, I began healing  from the fire, rediscovered my love for horses and also gained a newfound sense of purpose. The fire had forced me to reevaluate how I wanted to spend my time, and through this journey, I discovered the immense joy and fulfillment that came from connecting with these incredible animals.

The lessons and experiences shared by Talley and the herd at Comomara Ranch became a guiding light for me as I moved forward. They reminded me of the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of animals. Inspired by the equine therapy I witnessed, I felt a calling to contribute to the well-being of both horses and humans in need. The herd became a turning point in my life, leading me towards a path of compassion, understanding, and the desire to make a difference. It was through their presence and the lessons they imparted that I discovered a profound sense of who I was, my purpose and a renewed commitment to supporting others in their own journey of healing and self-discovery.

Talleys lessons have always been about the horses and ourselves. Here are a few of the lessons I most value from my time with her and the herd:

  • “Where do I want to go” is the most important question I need to know the answer to.
  • I am safer when my head is up and I am focused on the horizon.
  • A warm hello with nothing expected in return, is where every meaningful relationship must begin.
  • Sitting and just being is where, contentment and trust in ourselves and those around us, is often found.
  • Clear and timely communication is my responsibility, to myself and those I am relating to,…which takes us back to the reason why #1 is the most important question – “Where do I want to go”