Horses as the Canvas

The “Horses as the Canvas” initiative originated from a personal artistic journey involving a diverse group of five individuals from different parts of the world. Over the span of eight weeks, we delved into the concept of deep time, our individual creative processes, and the symbols and elements that resonated with us. Led by Artist and Explorer – Jobi Manson of @iamsefari Our weekly “Art Church” gatherings provided a supportive space for discussions and sharing our creations.

Drawing inspiration from our surroundings, we each defined our unique artistic canvas for the project. In a moment of connection and trust-building, I decided to involve Dakota, a horse who was initially wary of human touch, in my artistic exploration. Through a simple yet profound interaction involving paints and handprints, Dakota and I forged a deep bond, allowing him to relax and engage in the creative process with me.

Sharing the initial photos of this experience with the group sparked encouragement and a shared understanding of the mutual benefits of our creative journey, both for ourselves and the horses involved. This marked the beginning of opening up this transformative process to others…